Grants in Agriculture & Viticulture

Small-Scale and Craft Program, Stream Three

$25,000 - $100,000

Stream Three focuses on creating unique visitor or ongoing tourism experiences that involve and are directly linked to multiple small-scale and craft agribusinesses.

Modern Manufacturing Initiative – Manufacturing Integration Stream

$1 million - $20 million

The $1.5B Modern Manufacturing Initiative is an opportunity for Australian manufacturing businesses to receive funding up to $20 million.

NSW Regional Job Creation Fund

$100,000 - $10,000,000

The $100 million Regional Job Creation Fund aims to co-fund projects that will create at least five sustainable jobs in regional New South Wales.

Manufacturing Modernisation Fund

$100,000-$1 million

The $50 million Manufacturing Modernisation Fund is an opportunity for SME manufacturing businesses to receive funding up to $1 million.

Wine Tourism and Cellar Door Grant

up to $100,000

The aim of the Wine Tourism and Cellar Door Grant is to support wine or cider producers who add value by attracting visitors to wine regions, and thereby encourage wine tourism. Wine Tourism and Cellar Door Grant is an opportunity for Australian wine producers to receive up to $100,000 annually (GST exclusive) on eligible, rebatable domestic cellar door sales.

Export Market Development Grant

Up to $150,000 annually

The Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) is open to Australian manufacturers and service providers, which are exporting or planning to export their products and services into international markets.

South Australian Commercialisation, Research and Startup Fund

$100,000-$1 million

South Australia has launched a new Research, Commercialisation and Startup Fund, with a focus on early-stage startups and scaling-up established businesses. The $28 million fund will also support collaboration between enterprise, researchers and universities and the commercialisation of new products and services, building research and research infrastructure capability in South Australia.

Boost Your Business Vouchers

$10,000 - $50,000

The Boost Your Business Vouchers is a Victorian funding program to help businesses grow and become more productive.

SA Export Accelerator Program

$5,000 - $30,000

The South Australian Export Accelerator is a grant designed to help South Australian businesses expand into international markets.

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