Grants in Research & Development

WA Enterprise Support Program – Food Innovation Precinct

Up to $600,000

The Enterprise Support Program (ESP) which will provide $3.85M in funding to small to medium agribusinesses, enterprises, and entrepreneurs to drive innovation, diversification, export capabilities, product development, and commercialisation. The grant program is a joint initiative between the Shire of Murray and DPIRD, supporting innovation at the Peel-based Food Innovation Precinct WA.

NT Priority Sector Collaborative Grants

Up to $1 million.

The Priority Sector Collaborative Grants provide funding to Northern Territory business groups to develop common-use infrastructure, services, or data. These grants may offer up to 50% matched funding to consortia of three or more businesses to advance sector-wide initiatives that enhance local industry capability, innovation, and business development in priority sectors.

Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-P) Grants

$100,000 - $3 million

Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-P) Grants facilitate short-term research collaborations led by industry, effectively bridging the gap between researchers and industry. The initiative focuses on driving research and development efforts towards viable commercial applications.

NSW Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative – Clean Technology Innovation

$250,000 - $5 million

The Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative, integral to the NSW Government's aim for net zero emissions by 2050, combines three programs: - Clean Technology Innovation (CTI) for developing low-emission technologies - Low Carbon Product Manufacturing (LCPM) to support local production of essential low-carbon goods - Renewable Manufacturing (RM) to boost local production of renewable energy components. The CTI grants aim to promote innovation across the entire spectrum of product development – from initial research and testing to infrastructure enhancement, commercialisation, and implementation. The goals of the CTI grants include: - assessing the technical and commercial feasibility, viability, and compliance of a product or project - speeding up and broadening the research, development, and commercialisation of low emissions technologies with the potential to scale, replicate, and become cost-effective - cultivating an ecosystem capable of nurturing clean technology innovation - attracting leading clean technology companies and innovations to NSW, thereby positioning NSW as a hub for clean technology excellence.

International Partnerships in Critical Minerals Program

$2M - $20M

The International Partnerships in Critical Minerals Program offers funding of up to $20 million to critical minerals businesses, covering 50% of eligible expenditure. It supports early to mid-stage projects contributing to building end-to-end supply chains with Australia's international partners in the critical minerals sector. Aligned with the Australian Government's Critical Minerals Strategy, the program funds activities like pilot plants, feasibility studies, capacity expansions, and R&D collaboration. These activities must mainly occur in Australia and involve producing or planning to produce critical minerals listed in Australia's Critical Minerals List. The grant opportunity will be open for applications for up to 2 years, with ongoing assessment against selection criteria. Successful applications will be recommended for funding based on merit.

Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Grants

Up to 50% of eligible project costs, with recent rounds averaging $45 million.

Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Grants offer funding for medium to long-term, industry-led research collaborations as part of the broader CRC Program, supporting industry, research, and the community through two avenues: 1. CRC Grants, providing support for medium to long-term industry-led collaborative research projects, lasting up to 10 years. 2. CRC Projects (CRC-P) grants, backing short-term, industry-led collaborative research initiatives with a duration of up to 3 years.

NSW MVP Ventures Program

$25,000 - $200,000

NSW MVP Ventures Program is committed to supporting startups and innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across the product lifecycle, bridging the gap between early-stage research and mature investment opportunities. The program offers grants designed to accelerate the commercialisation of highly innovative products or processes. The Program aims to: support businesses in increasing the commercialisation of innovative products and processes in NSW, and attract and retain commercialisation activities within the state.

Australia–UK Renewable Hydrogen Innovation Partnerships

$10,000 - $2 million

The Australia-UK Renewable Hydrogen Innovation Partnerships is a 3-year program, spanning from 2023-24 to 2025-26, emblematic of the Australian Government's commitment to global collaboration in clean energy and technology. Aligned with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, this initiative underscores Australia's dedication to meeting international climate obligations. Announced on 31 July 2023, this program is a pivotal element of the joint funding call with the United Kingdom (UK), complemented by the UK Government's (Innovate UK) Australia-UK Renewable Hydrogen Innovation Competition. In line with the Government's Strategic International Partnerships measure, the program provides Australian companies with funding support of up to $10 million for hydrogen research, development, and demonstration projects conducted in collaboration with UK companies. Projects must align with the objectives outlined in both the Australian Government’s National Hydrogen Strategy and the State of Hydrogen 2022 report. This includes the production of renewable hydrogen and derivatives, and the use of hydrogen in hard-to-abate industries, such as iron and steelmaking, chemicals and heavy transport sectors.

MRFF 2022 Frontier Health and Medical Research Grant

Up to $25 million

Please update to ‘MRFF 2022 Frontier Health and Medical Research Grant Opportunity supports medical research and program to develop novel health technologies and/or re-purpose existing health technology in a novel way. Available funding is up to $25,000,000 per project. The research program is anticipating to delivery of new treatments for currently serious and incurable health conditions through a series of related projects.

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