Available Grants

The latest grants we're sourcing for your next great business venture.

QLD Manufacturing Hubs Grant Program

$10,000 - $500,000

The program aims to help SMEs build their advanced manufacturing capabilities and support Queensland's regional manufacturing industry

SA Livestock Underpass Scheme (LUPS)

up to $100,000

The program aims to provide a reimbursement grant to primary producers as a financial contribution towards the cost of constructing underpasses beneath public roads to allow livestock to move safely.

Adelaide Film Festival Investment Fund

$50,000 - $130,000

This program focuses on providing equity investment in Australian screen production for small and big screens. It seeks to support projects with economic, creative, and cultural benefits to South Australia.

Farm Innovation Fund

up to $1 million

The program aims to assist farmers by providing loans ensuring long-term productivity and mitigating poor seasonal conditions.

Environmental Upgrade Finance

$20,000 - $500,000

The program focuses on funding a range of building and environmental upgrade projects that comply with state-based government legislation.

Pre-accelerator Program for Women

$100,000 - $300,000

The program seeks to provide funding through a range of mechanisms that target startup sector specialists who can support Victorian startups in the form of professional development, incubators, education, mentoring, accelerators, events, and other programs.

Rural Landholder Grant – Victorian Primary Producer Flood Recovery Package

$5,000 - $25,000

The program seeks to support relief and recovery costs, and clean-up for rural landholders that have a smaller-scale primary production enterprise that suffered direct loss or damage to their primary production enterprise as a direct result of the 2022 Victorian Floods.

Brandon BioCatalyst

$500,000- $30million

The program focuses on investing and supporting the commercialisation and development of early-stage biomedical discoveries.

Significant Sporting Events Program

$20,000 - $150,000

The program aims to assist sporting, event, and community organisations to deliver significant sporting events in Victoria either national or international in focus, or have regional significance and are recognised by a relevant sporting body.

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