Grants in Film & Television

VIC Regional Location Assistance Fund (RLAF)
The grant amount is calculated as a percentage of the Qualifying Regional Victorian Expenditure for a project.
The Regional Location Assistance Fund (RLAF) offers subsidies to encourage Victorian, interstate and international film and television productions to choose regional locations within Victoria for their production activities.

NSW Digital Games Rebate
Digital games with a minimum Qualifying NSW Expenditure of $500,000 are eligible for a 10% rebate.
The NSW Government is offering a 10% rebate for digital games with a minimum Qualifying NSW Expenditure of $500,000. This initiative complements the Australian Government’s Digital Games Offset and is administered by Screen NSW. The program aims to accelerate the growth of the NSW digital games sector, attract investment, grow employment, and retain talent in NSW.

Adelaide Film Festival Investment Fund
$50,000 - $130,000
This program focuses on providing equity investment in Australian screen production for small and big screens. It seeks to support projects with economic, creative, and cultural benefits to South Australia.

Western Australian Regional Screen Fund
up to $2 million
The Western Australian Regional Screen Fund is a WA State Government Royalties for Regions funding initiative, provided through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC).

VicScreen Development on Demand
up to $50,000
The program supports and promotes gender equality, inclusiveness and diversity in the Victorian screen industry by providing up to $50k in grant funding.

Victorian Production Fund (VPF) – Games
Funding is capped at $300K per stage or $500K per project
The VPF program assists digital game companies and key creatives in Victoria in creating and publishing a variety of engaging high-quality digital games. It offers funding for the pre-production, production, and post-production phases of game development for PC, consoles, mobile, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), or extended reality (XR).

Export Market Development Grant
Up to $150,000 annually
The Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) is open to Australian manufacturers and service providers, which are exporting or planning to export their products and services into international markets.

South Australian Commercialisation, Research and Startup Fund
$100,000-$1 million
South Australia has launched a new Research, Commercialisation and Startup Fund, with a focus on early-stage startups and scaling-up established businesses. The $28 million fund will also support collaboration between enterprise, researchers and universities and the commercialisation of new products and services, building research and research infrastructure capability in South Australia.

SA Export Accelerator Program
$5,000 - $30,000
The South Australian Export Accelerator is a grant designed to help South Australian businesses expand into international markets.
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