NSW Digital Games Rebate

NSW Digital Games Rebate

  • Applications are open until: 30 June 2025
  • Rebate: Digital games with a minimum Qualifying NSW Expenditure of $500,000 are eligible for a 10% rebate.

The NSW Government is offering a 10% rebate for digital games with a minimum Qualifying NSW Expenditure of $500,000. This initiative complements the Australian Government’s Digital Games Offset and is administered by Screen NSW. The program aims to accelerate the growth of the NSW digital games sector, attract investment, grow employment, and retain talent in NSW.

Key Requirements

An eligible project must commit to a minimum qualifying expenditure of $500,000 on the project in NSW at the time of application. This expenditure may occur over several years and cannot be achieved by bundling multiple projects.

What is eligible for funding?

Qualifying NSW games expenditure includes spending on activities that take place in NSW and are required for the creation of the game’s launch version. Activities in the pre-development stage, typically performed to determine whether a digital game is commercially viable, are disregarded.

The following expenditures qualify for the Rebate:

  • Salary and related payments for employees and independent contractors, including developers, designers, artists, animators, writers, performers, music and sound designers. (Interstate or international staff must stay in NSW and work on the project there for at least two consecutive calendar weeks for costs associated with their stay to be eligible. Each visit is taken into account separately for the rebate.)
  • NSW workers’ compensation payments and payroll tax.
  • Payments to suppliers who have an office or main place of business in NSW or a branch in NSW offering the goods or services.
  • Purchase or licensing of extra content, such as music, for the game where it is owned by a NSW provider or protected by copyright. (Typically, these costs will be restricted to 20% of eligible NSW expenses).
  • Testing and marketing expenses up until the public launch (including internal marketer salaries, registration for a convention, and a trailer). In the year following the debut, a certain amount of post-launch development and live services, including patches and upgrades, may be claimed.
  • Asset depreciation to the extent that it is incurred during game production.
  • Attributable rent, rates, and utilities.
  • Commercial costs associated with creating the game, such as some insurance, legal, auditing, and accounting costs.

What companies are eligible for funding?

To be eligible for the Rebate, the applicant must have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and be the organisation responsible for carrying out or planning all tasks related to the game’s production in New South Wales.

The applicant may be a digital game development studio with operations in NSW, or a foreign or interstate game developer working on a fully or partially NSW-based project.

For a specific game, only one company may submit a rebate application if there are multiple NSW developers. Once a contractor is engaged in the project, the business commissioning the work will typically make the application.

How can Avant Group help?

Our team can assist you in obtaining the Digital Games Rebate.

Avant Group is a leading consultancy firm with a team of specialised government grant, business advisory, and technical research consultants. With over a decade of industry experience, we have particular expertise in securing grants and funding for growth. Avant Group cuts through the red tape and manages the entire application process, from writing the application to guiding you through any auditing and reporting requirements – all so you can focus on running your business.

Avant Group offers:

  • Hands-on technical project management covering application writing and administration.
  • A highly skilled advisory team with consultants from engineering, marketing, and finance disciplines.
  • A dedicated account manager who will work with you every step of the way on your grant application.

If you would like to know more about what we do and what funding opportunities might be available to your business, don’t hesitate to reach out.