Grants in Arts & Culture

Arts 15k-Plus Grant Program – Sector Development

$15,000 - $60,000

The program seeks to support the growth and development of a vibrant sector that promotes the participation and active engagement of Western Australian communities in high-quality arts and cultural experiences.

Contemporary Music Touring Program

$5,000 - $50,000

The CMTP (Contemporary Music Touring Program) provides support to national touring activity commenced by Australian musicians presenting original Australian contemporary music.

Local Government Heritage Consultancy Grant Program

$2,000 - $20,000

The program provides funding assistance to Western Australian local government authorities for professional fees associated with the identification of local heritage places and the development and implementation of a heritage framework.

Victorian Production Fund (VPF) – Games

Funding is capped at $300K per stage or $500K per project

The VPF program assists digital game companies and key creatives in Victoria in creating and publishing a variety of engaging high-quality digital games. It offers funding for the pre-production, production, and post-production phases of game development for PC, consoles, mobile, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), or extended reality (XR).

Games: Expansion Pack Fund

up to $150,000

Screen Australia will provide grants of up to $150,000 per successful application for production of a digital game with a budget up to $500,000. The initiative will run for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 financial years. Higher budget games are likely to be able to receive Australian Government support through the announced Digital Games Tax Offset.

Digital Games Tax Offset

Eligible Australian game developers can receive a 30% refundable tax offset, capped at $20 million, for spending a minimum of $500,000 on QADE related to the development of eligible games.

The Digital Games Tax Offset (DGTO) offers a 30% refundable tax offset for qualifying Australian development expenditure (QADE) from 1 July 2022 for eligible game developers. The offset is available for the completion, ongoing development, or porting of digital games, subject to eligibility criteria, including certification by the Arts Minister and at least $500,000 of qualifying expenditure. The offset is capped at $20 million per company (or group of connected or affiliated companies) per income year. Applicants must have an an ABN and be either an Australian resident company or a foreign resident company with a permanent establishment in Australia.

NSW Regional Job Creation Fund

$100,000 - $10,000,000

The $100 million Regional Job Creation Fund aims to co-fund projects that will create at least five sustainable jobs in regional New South Wales.

Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE)

$75,000-$2 million

The Federal Government has announced $75 million for the Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund to help reactivate the arts and cultural entertainment industry following the impacts of COVID-19.

Live Music Australia Program


The Federal Government has opened funding for the live music industry to support high quality, Australian live music.

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