Grants in Information Technology

NSW MVP Ventures Program

$25,000 - $200,000

NSW MVP Ventures Program is committed to supporting startups and innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across the product lifecycle, bridging the gap between early-stage research and mature investment opportunities. The program offers grants designed to accelerate the commercialisation of highly innovative products or processes. The Program aims to: support businesses in increasing the commercialisation of innovative products and processes in NSW, and attract and retain commercialisation activities within the state.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Adopt Program

$3 million - $5 million

The AI Adopt Program offers funding to establish up to five AI Adopt Centres, supporting small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) involved in international and interstate trade. These centres aim to facilitate the adoption of responsible AI-enabled services, enhancing the business operations of the participating SMEs. The program's overarching goal is to establish a network of AI Adopt Centres, serving as a primary entry point for SMEs interested in exploring the responsible and safe adoption and usage of AI.

Industry Growth Program

$50,000 - $5 million

The Industry Growth Program offers support to innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in commercialisation and/or growth projects within the priority areas of the National Reconstruction Fund (NRF). This program comprises Advisory Services and opportunities for matched grant funding. Businesses that have received Advisory Services through the program are eligible to apply for matched grant funding to enhance their projects.

NT Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem Fund

$25,000 - $500,000

The Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem (AME) Fund's primary objective is to enhance advanced manufacturing capabilities, stimulate investment and productivity in the Northern Territory's advanced manufacturing sector, and bolster the number of advanced manufacturing jobs within the region. This funding opportunity is specifically tailored to small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises seeking to advance their capabilities in the Northern Territory. Eligible businesses can access funding support of up to 50 percent of their project costs, with grant amounts ranging from $25,000 to $500,000.

Mobile Network Hardening Program – Round 3

Up to $10 million

The Mobile Network Hardening Program aims to enhance the resilience of Australia's mobile network telecommunications infrastructure, thereby mitigating and responding to outages caused by bushfires and other natural disasters. The program offers grants to bolster the resilience of mobile telecommunications infrastructure in regional, remote Australia, and First Nations communities.

Go-Green Co-Innovation Program (GGCIP)

$150,000 - $500,000

As a pivotal component of the Singapore Australia Green Economy Agreement, Go-Green Co-Innovation Program (GGCIP) seeks to incentivise and facilitate collaborative innovation among SMEs from both countries. The program will play a crucial role in establishing or expanding business operations and commercial activities that promote bilateral trade in green goods and services. Grants are available for financing initiatives aimed at advancing the decarbonisation of economic activities and facilitating the transition of Singapore and Australia toward achieving net zero emissions. These initiatives encompass the development and commercialisation of products, services, or solutions.

NSW Digital Games Rebate

Digital games with a minimum Qualifying NSW Expenditure of $500,000 are eligible for a 10% rebate.

The NSW Government is offering a 10% rebate for digital games with a minimum Qualifying NSW Expenditure of $500,000. This initiative complements the Australian Government’s Digital Games Offset and is administered by Screen NSW. The program aims to accelerate the growth of the NSW digital games sector, attract investment, grow employment, and retain talent in NSW.

VIC Industry R&D Infrastructure Fund

$250,000 - $2 million

The Industry R&D Infrastructure Fund will encourage businesses in Victoria to invest in new or improved R&D infrastructure to support the expansion of Victoria’s R&D capability across important industry sectors and increase company R&D spending. The funding with grants up to 50% of project costs, ranging from $250,000 to $2 million can benefit a business, an industry, or both. However, it must demonstrate how the project will increase Victoria’s business expenditure on R&D in the medium to long term.

VicScreen Originate Games Grant

$10,000 - $50,000

The grant provides support to the development of original early-stage concepts from game developers focusing on new projects and new voices in Victoria.

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