Grants in ACT
Cyber Security Skills Partnership Innovation Fund
$250,000 - $3 million
The $70.3 million Cyber Security Skills Partnership Innovation Fund forms part of Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy 2020, Cyber Security National Workforce Growth Program, and was developed in recognition that skilled cyber professionals are essential for keeping Australians secure online, and to underpin government and industry capability and capacity.
Activating a Regional Hydrogen Industry – Clean Hydrogen Industrial Hubs: Hub Implementation
$30 million - $70 million
This program aims to support the establishment of hydrogen hubs in regional Australia, and support the growth of the clean hydrogen industry.
Modern Manufacturing Initiative – Manufacturing Collaboration Stream
$20 million - $200 million
The Manufacturing Collaboration Stream provides funding for a small number of large, transformational projects. Projects that will either directly feature collaboration or will create and facilitate collaborative ecosystems.
Supply Chain Resilience Initiative – Round 2
$50,000 - $2 million
The $107 million Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI) that was established to be part of the Australian Government’s $1.5 billion Modern Manufacturing Strategy.
This grant aims to strengthen Australia’s ability to access critical products and inputs, better enabling us to respond to future supply chain disruptions.
AMGC Commercialisation Fund
$100,000 - $1 million
The $30 million Commercialisation Fund aims to provide grants to Australian companies to help in commercialising new processes and products based upon new or existing IP for projects with a maximum project period of two years.
Modern Manufacturing Initiative – Manufacturing Integration Stream
$1 million - $20 million
The $1.5B Modern Manufacturing Initiative is an opportunity for Australian manufacturing businesses to receive funding up to $20 million.
Building Better Regions Fund
$20,000 to $10 million
The 2020-2021 Federal Budget will allocate $200 million to the next round of the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF), in order to support regional areas with new infrastructure to help create jobs and drive economic growth.
The fund’s upcoming round will reserve $100 million for tourism-related infrastructure and $100 million for broader community infrastructure and investment.
Manufacturing Modernisation Fund
$100,000-$1 million
The $50 million Manufacturing Modernisation Fund is an opportunity for SME manufacturing businesses to receive funding up to $1 million.
Moon to Mars Supply Chain Capability Improvement Grants
$250,000-$1 million
Grants for Australian businesses to build capacity to deliver products and services into domestic and/or international space industry supply chains that could support Moon to Mars activities. The aim of the program is to grow Australia’s industry capability and capacity to support NASA’s Moon and Mars endeavours as well as grow skills and capacity within the Australian space industry.
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