Grants in NSW
NSW Regional Event Fund – Flagship Event stream
The Flagship Event stream of the Regional Event Fund in New South Wales provides support to well-established events that have been running for over two years. Through this stream, grants are offered to assist in marketing activities aimed at promoting overnight visitation from individuals outside the event's Local Government Area.
The Regional Event Fund consists of three distinct funding streams, offering a developmental pathway for events from their inception to becoming established tourism attractions in Regional NSW.
The Regional Event Fund comprises three distinct streams:
-Incubator Event stream – to support the establishment of new events
-Flagship Event stream – to support the marketing of emerging events to increase their profile
and encourage visitation; and
-Event Development stream – to support the strategic development of established events as
drivers of tourism.
Each of the three streams in the Regional Event Fund has unique eligibility, selection criteria, and assessment processes. Management of applications for the three streams is conducted separately.
NSW Regional Event Fund – Event Development stream
up to $50,000
The Event Development stream aids events that have already reached the maximum funding threshold under the Flagship Event stream, provided they present a comprehensive strategy for future expansion, emphasising the ongoing enhancement of their tourism appeal to drive overnight visitation.
NSW Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative – Low Carbon Product Manufacturing
The construction ready stream: $2M-$20M; the project development stream: $50K-$900K.
The Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative, integral to the NSW Government's aim for net zero emissions by 2050, combines three programs:
- Clean Technology Innovation (CTI) for developing low-emission technologies
- Low Carbon Product Manufacturing (LCPM) to support local production of essential low-carbon goods
- Renewable Manufacturing (RM) to boost local production of renewable energy components.
The LCPM aims to invest in new industrial facilities and advanced manufacturing capabilities, facilitating the decarbonisation of the NSW economy toward achieving net zero emissions by 2050. It has four key objectives:
- stimulating economic growth throughout NSW
- encouraging investment and employment in emerging low carbon industries
- developing a diverse, self-sufficient, resilient, and competitive low carbon manufacturing sector
- establishing new industrial facilities and advanced manufacturing capabilities to drive decarbonisation efforts in NSW.
NSW Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative – Clean Technology Innovation
$250,000 - $5 million
The Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative, integral to the NSW Government's aim for net zero emissions by 2050, combines three programs:
- Clean Technology Innovation (CTI) for developing low-emission technologies
- Low Carbon Product Manufacturing (LCPM) to support local production of essential low-carbon goods
- Renewable Manufacturing (RM) to boost local production of renewable energy components.
The CTI grants aim to promote innovation across the entire spectrum of product development – from initial research and testing to infrastructure enhancement, commercialisation, and implementation. The goals of the CTI grants include:
- assessing the technical and commercial feasibility, viability, and compliance of a product or project
- speeding up and broadening the research, development, and commercialisation of low emissions technologies with the potential to scale, replicate, and become cost-effective
- cultivating an ecosystem capable of nurturing clean technology innovation
- attracting leading clean technology companies and innovations to NSW, thereby positioning NSW as a hub for clean technology excellence.
NSW Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative – Renewable Manufacturing
$5 million - $50 million
The Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative, integral to the NSW Government's aim for net zero emissions by 2050, combines three programs:
- Clean Technology Innovation (CTI) for developing low-emission technologies
- Low Carbon Product Manufacturing (LCPM) to support local production of essential low-carbon goods
- Renewable Manufacturing (RM) to boost local production of renewable energy components.
The objectives of the RM fund aim to:
- stimulate economic growth throughout NSW
- enhance the capacity and expertise of the state's renewable energy supply chain
- mitigate supply chain risks while ensuring stability for the NSW renewable energy sector.
Live Music Australia
a total of $20 million over four years for the Live Music Australia program
The Live Music Australia program offers a competitive grants opportunity for live music venues, festivals, and organisations dedicated to supporting quality original Australian live music. Live Music Australia is committed to enhancing the live music scene in Australian communities and will fund applications that support high quality original Australian live music that is professionally staged.
The Australian Government's National Cultural Policy Revive acknowledges the significance of the live music sector and is committed to providing support for the music industry. Music Australia has been established within Creative Australia to provide support and promote the Australian contemporary music industry to enhance discoverability and cultivate markets and expand audiences. Through strategic investment, the aim to stimulate a vibrant and sustainable music industry ecosystem in which artists can thrive.
International Partnerships in Critical Minerals Program
$2M - $20M
The International Partnerships in Critical Minerals Program offers funding of up to $20 million to critical minerals businesses, covering 50% of eligible expenditure. It supports early to mid-stage projects contributing to building end-to-end supply chains with Australia's international partners in the critical minerals sector. Aligned with the Australian Government's Critical Minerals Strategy, the program funds activities like pilot plants, feasibility studies, capacity expansions, and R&D collaboration. These activities must mainly occur in Australia and involve producing or planning to produce critical minerals listed in Australia's Critical Minerals List. The grant opportunity will be open for applications for up to 2 years, with ongoing assessment against selection criteria. Successful applications will be recommended for funding based on merit.
Traceability Grants Program
Up to $500,000
The Traceability Grants Program (TGP), an integral part of the Modernising Agricultural Trade – Protecting Australia’s Clean, Green Brand initiative. Traceability refers to the ability to track product movement through stages of production, processing, and distribution (ISO 2007). Australia's agricultural traceability systems include government regulations as well as industry arrangements for tracking and tracing agricultural commodities and products.
Agricultural traceability plays a critical and fundamental role in emergency response and Australia's economy and prosperity. In recognition of this, the Australian Government has jointly co-designed the National Agricultural Traceability Strategy 2023-2033 (the strategy) with industry, state and territory governments, and other interested stakeholders to guide research, as well as government and industry investment in order to improve existing strong systems, increase efficiency, and deliver farmers benefits.
Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Grants
Up to 50% of eligible project costs, with recent rounds averaging $45 million.
Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Grants offer funding for medium to long-term, industry-led research collaborations as part of the broader CRC Program, supporting industry, research, and the community through two avenues:
1. CRC Grants, providing support for medium to long-term industry-led collaborative research projects, lasting up to 10 years.
2. CRC Projects (CRC-P) grants, backing short-term, industry-led collaborative research initiatives with a duration of up to 3 years.
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