This grant has expired.

This grant has expired and is no longer available. However, please contact Avant Group in case there are alternative grants available or to be informed if this grant will reopen.

Western Australia forest

Small Business Development and Diversification

  • Applications Open: until 31 January, 2023
  • Grants: up to $400,000

The $15 million Small Business Development and Diversification grants will deliver targeted funding to assist businesses with an established reliance on the native forestry to stay open and provide funding for job creation, through expansion, diversification and / or innovation.

Key Requirements

The application must address:

  • Jobs
    distinguish how the project will keep existing jobs or build new jobs.

The application must also meet one or more of the following areas of activity:

  • Business Expansion
    expanding your existing business.
  • Business Diversification
    creation of new streams for your existing business, or pivoting to a new business opportunity.
  • Future Proofing
    strengthening existing business operations.
  • Innovation
    introducing new technology for economic and environmental outcomes.

What is eligible for funding?

  • Support to develop and commercialise new business opportunities to replace native forest revenue streams.
  • Support to integrate new technology to improve the productivity of existing businesses or enable development of new business streams.
  • Support for specific infrastructure, plant or equipment that supports development of new businesses or improves innovation and productivity of existing businesses.
  • Support to protect and create existing jobs, particularly for displaced timber workers.

What companies are eligible for funding?

Any Western Australian business can apply as long as they meet the criteria set out below:

  • Demonstrated reliance on the WA native forestry industry or reliance on native forestry or native forest products.
  • Australian Company Number (ACN) or an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Valid legal entity that can enter into a legally binding funding agreement with the Western Australian Government.
  • Solvent Western Australian-based businesses or organisation.

Is this grant competitive or entitlement based?

Entitlement. Applications are assessed against eligibility criteria.

How can Avant Group help?

When you’re a business owner, you may not have time to work through the red tape and audits required to apply for government grants.

Avant Group is your partner for grant success! We take all the hassle out of the entire grant application process from working through the red tape, writing the application and managing audit and reporting requirements – so you can focus on running your business.

Success Only Fees

Avant Group works on a Success Only Fee basis.

We also offer:

  • All AusIndustry auditing management included at no additional cost
  • Hands on technical project management covering application writing and administration aspects
  • A highly skilled advisory team with consultants from engineering, marketing and finance disciplines
  • Government accreditation
  • A dedicated account manager who will work with you every step of the way with your grant application

Want to know more? Contact us for an obligation-free assessment of your eligibility.