Grant Enquiry Form

For an obligation free assessment of your government grant eligibility, kindly fill in the below form and one of the Avant Group team members will contact you.

    This helps us determine which government grants you are likely eligible for.
    (Hold Control to select multiple options)

    Certain grants are only available in specific states. By understanding where your business is located, we can recommend grants based on your location.

    ?We ask for your company turnover because government grants usually require a minimum and maximum annual turnover to be eligible to apply. Our team will recommend grants you are eligible to apply for, based on your annual turnover.

    We ask how many Australian-based employees you have because most government grants are only open to businesses that employ a minimum/maximum number of people. Our team will recommend grants you are eligible for based on how many Australian-based employees you have.

    The person we should be calling to follow up your grant does not have to be yourself


    This helps us prepare a list of grants you are likely eligible for.

    Please tell us briefly what you are seeking grant funding for including expenses, timings and the outcome of the project.

    Check all that apply

    [group cond-other]

    Please describe the assistance you're looking for.


    Please tell us any other information that may help us recommend grants for you.