This grant has expired.
This grant has expired and is no longer available. However, please contact Avant Group in case there are alternative grants available or to be informed if this grant will reopen.

NSW Regional Event Fund – Incubator Event stream
- Applications will remain open until 9 April 2024.
- Total funding available for Incubator Event stream: $600,000 Applicants may apply for any amount up to and including $20,000 (excl. GST)
The Incubator Event stream of the Regional Event Fund offers seed funding to events in regional NSW to support their first or second year of activity. The Fund supports innovative events that demonstrate sound organisational planning, have a unique alignment with the character and culture of the local region and which can demonstrate a broad appeal likely to promote tourism and attract overnight visitation to the region.
The Regional Event Fund offers three distinct funding streams that support the entire development process of events in Regional NSW, from their initial stages to becoming established tourism attractions.
The Regional Event Fund comprises three distinct streams:
-Incubator Event stream – to support the establishment of new events
-Flagship Event stream – to support the marketing of emerging events to increase their profile and encourage visitation; and
-Event Development stream – to support the strategic development of established events as drivers of tourism.
Each of the three streams in the Regional Event Fund has unique eligibility, selection criteria, and assessment processes. Management of applications for the three streams is conducted separately.
Key Requirements
The Incubator Event stream operates as an open and competitive grants program. Applications will undergo evaluation based on the eligibility criteria and assessment criteria specified in these Guidelines. Eligible applications are assessed on their comparative merits against the nominated criteria.
All eligible applications will undergo assessment by a panel convened by Destination NSW. This panel comprises experienced representatives in events and regional tourism. Each application is assessed by a minimum of three different members of the assessment panel.
The Panel will base its recommendations for allocating grants from the Incubator Event stream on the following principles of the fund:
- the Incubator Event stream represents a collaborative partnership between Destination NSW and the regional event.
- the Incubator Event stream is a grant program supported by Destination NSW, aimed at promoting selected regional events to drive tourism outcomes that benefit regional NSW.
- the Incubator Event stream is dedicated to promoting events that significantly contribute to the distinctive identity of the tourism regions within the State. These events are carefully selected based on their potential to serve as ‘flagships’ for their respective regions.
- destination NSW aims to support at least one event in each of the seven Destination Network regions, although this is not guaranteed and depends on the quality of the applications received. Destination NSW reserves the discretion to withhold funding in any region if the applications are deemed to lack sufficient merit by the Panel.
- receipt of a grant through the Regional Event Fund in a previous year does not guarantee the success of a current application. The Panel will assess future funding based solely on the merits of each event’s application for that specific year.
- as part of the assessment process, Destination NSW may gather further insights regarding the tourism potential of events applying for funding from the Destination Networks, to help inform its decision-making.
Based on the assessments, a formal recommendation will be articulated in writing and presented to the Decision-Maker. The Decision-Maker will grant final approval for the event’s funding and determine the funding amount.
What is eligible for funding?
To qualify for the Incubator Event Annual grant, your event must:
- occur from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.
- being held for the first or second year in the year of funding
- being held in one of the following seven Destination Network regions listed below:
- Destination Central West
- Destination Country & Outback NSW
- Destination North Coast incl. Lord Howe Island
- Destination Riverina Murray
- Destination Southern NSW
- Destination Sydney Surrounds North
- Destination Sydney Surrounds South
(Please note: the Local Government Areas of Penrith, Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains and Wollondilly are no longer included in the above Destination Networks.
The Incubator Event stream provides seed funding for initiatives aimed at establishing the event as a key driver of visitation. Eligible activities for funding consideration include, but are not limited to:
- venue hire and other event-specific expenses will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- temporary event infrastructure (such as marquees, stages, etc.) that enhances the visitor experience will be considered for funding.
- marketing and promotions
- marketing, PR and digital specialist or consultancy fees subject to Destination NSW approval of a brief
- brand design and development
- visitor research.
Destination NSW funding aims to complement existing expenditure and assist the event in providing an enhanced visitor experience or increasing its visibility beyond its local area.
What companies are eligible for funding?
To qualify to apply for any of the three streams of the Regional Event Fund, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Hold ownership of the event (i.e., possess the rights to the event and secure the necessary approvals)
- Maintain financial solvency
- Possess an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- Operate as a sole trader, company, incorporated association, or trust entity
- Provide a certificate of currency for public liability insurance of at least $20 million, or demonstrate the capability to obtain it before entering into a funding agreement.
Is this grant competitive or entitlement based?
Competitive. Your application will be assessed among other applications by a judging panel.
How can I increase my chances of winning this grant?
By engaging an accredited government grants consultant, such as Avant Group.
Competitive grants often require significant business case development and project analysis to support the application, this may include detailed presentations supporting the project’s merit, projected sales, cost-benefit analysis and more.
As part of your engagement with Avant Group, your account manager will assess the required documents and will provide the following as needed to support your grant submission.
Grant application writeup including a detailed presentation illustrating how the grant funding will contribute to your project, how the funding will contribute to the project’s budget, a project milestone plan, delivery timeline, impact on employment if applicable and a breakdown of the management and leadership team for the project
- Industry analysis presentation
- Competitor Analysis Presentation
- Marketing and Sales Analysis Presentation
- 3-5 year Cashflow Forecast
- 3-5 year Balance Sheet Forecast
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Grant Funding
- End-to-end grant application including information collating, analysis and application writing
- CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) cost-benefit analysis
- Stakeholder relations and Risk Mitigation Plans
- Any other relevant forecasting that will support your application
How can I get help with my application? Or know if I’m likely to win funding?
Avant Group offers a no-obligation assessment of your eligibility for funding and will assess your likelihood of a successful grant application.