This grant has expired.
This grant has expired and is no longer available. However, please contact Avant Group in case there are alternative grants available or to be informed if this grant will reopen.

Distillery Support – Infrastructure and Boosting Visitor Economy
The 2021-22 Victorian Budget included a commitment to deliver the Distillery Door Program (the Program), with $10 million total funding to support and enhance Victoria’s distillery industry.
The Program has been co-designed with Government and industry to support and enhance Victoria’s distillery industry through supporting skills development, boosting the visitor economy, infrastructure, and export capability.
Key Requirements
Applicants will need to:
- Provide details of all ATO Manufacturer Licences held by any directors/owners or the business/company applying
- Provide details of general or producer’s liquor licence issued by Liquor Control Victoria
- Attest to litres of distilled alcohol produced in the 2021/22 financial year
- Attest they operate as a distillery and sell (intend to sell) their distilled alcoholic beverages through at least of one of the following: distributor, distillery, online OR are currently ageing spirits produced in their own still in barrels for the production of spirits (Stream One)
- Attest they operate as a distillery, have (will have) a distillery door linked to the distillery and sell (intent to sell) their distilled alcoholic beverages (Stream Two)
- Provide relevant information on the project, including quotes, project budget and timeline.
What is eligible for funding?
Stream One
Projects that support distillery infrastructure development that will increase business efficiency or capacity, the adoption of new technology, improves safety or sustainability. These projects will allow distillers to enhance or expand their offerings as a premium Victorian producer.
- New equipment or small-scale infrastructure for the distillery (including signage)
- Technology adoption (excluding training and on-going maintenance and service support costs)
- Product diversification
- Items that support business efficiency and/or safety
Stream Two
Projects that support distillery door establishment or enhancement to increase physical visitation to the distillery door. These projects will directly support Victoria’s tourism offerings and reputation as a premium producer of spirits.
- Establishment of a distillery door through a new build or building enhancements
- New equipment or large-scale infrastructure for the distillery (including signage) that will increase visitation
- Marketing costs – initial establishment costs for digital marketing, advertising, promotional collateral that will increase visitor flow (capped at $20,000 GST exclusive)
What companies are eligible for funding?
In order to apply, applicants must:
- Have a current Australian Business Number (ABN)
- Be registered as a business in Victoria
- Be a legal entity
- Own at least one still with a capacity of fifty (50) litres or more
- Hold a valid ATO manufacturer licence to produce distilled alcoholic beverages
- Hold a current general or producer’s liquor licence issued by Liquor Control Victoria
- Agree to participate in future Program evaluation activities
- Meet all workplace and employment obligations as an employer in accordance with the National Employment Standards and the rights and obligations under applicable industrial awards
- Be able to meet the agreed (minimum 30-50 percent) cash co-contribution requirement
Is this grant competitive or entitlement based?
Entitlement. Applications are assessed against eligibility criteria.
How can I increase my chances of winning this grant?
By engaging an accredited government grants consultant, such as Avant Group.
As part of your engagement with Avant Group, your account manager will assess the required documents and will provide the following as needed to support your grant submission.
Grant application writeup including a detailed presentation illustrating how the grant funding will contribute to your project, how the funding will contribute to the project’s budget, a project milestone plan, delivery timeline, impact on employment if applicable and a breakdown of the management and leadership team for the project
How can I get help with my application? Or know if I’m likely to win funding?
Avant Group offers a no-obligation assessment of your eligibility for funding and will assess your likelihood of a successful grant application.