This grant has expired.

This grant has expired and is no longer available. However, please contact Avant Group in case there are alternative grants available or to be informed if this grant will reopen.

Breakthrough Victoria Fund – Creating the Pipeline Stream

The Breakthrough Victoria Fund - Creating the Pipeline investment stream will invest in businesses or entities with early-stage ideas for the development of prototypes, proof-of-concept trials, market validation and creation of minimum viable products. It will help bridge the critical funding and knowledge gaps between ideas and their commercialisation.

Key Requirements

  • Applications Open: Now
  • Grants $500,000 – $2 million

Proponents will need to have 1:1 leverage for the investment they are seeking from the Creating the Pipeline stream.

Breakthrough Victoria will also work with private and institutional investors for co-investment.

What is eligible for funding?

To be eligible for funding under the Breakthrough Victoria Fund – Foundational Technology & Platform Projects Investment Stream, a project must:

  • Involve novel and protected (or soon-to-be protected) IP with high commercial potential.
  • Have an identified target market, or area of need.

Projects may also benefit if they:

  • Have cross-sectoral application.
  • Include industry partnerships, future off-take or licencing agreements, or other commercial arrangements.
  • Contribute to broader environmental, sustainability or social well-being goals.
  • Enable the development of sovereign manufacturing capability of critical products.
  • Deliver broader economic benefit such as workforce/skills uplift or opportunities.
  • Leverage existing investment or have the potential to attract further co-investment.
  • Demonstrate a path to market.
  • Outline regulatory pathways.
  • Demonstrate outstanding technology or capability development.

These projects will be early-stage ideas for the development of prototypes, proof-of-concept trials and minimum viable products in sectors such as health and life science, agri-food, clean economy, advanced manufacturing and digital technology.

What companies are eligible for funding?

Applicants must be one of the following types of entities to apply:

  • Research organisations, including universities and research institutes.
  • Companies of any size, at the pre-revenue or revenue stage.
  • Joint ventures, consortia, special purpose vehicles, comprised of either industry or research organisations, or a combination.
  • Situated in victoria or willing to relocate to Victoria.

Is this grant competitive or entitlement based?

Competitive. Your application will be assessed among other applications by a judging panel.

How can I increase my chances of winning this grant?

By engaging an accredited government grants consultant, such as Avant Group.

Competitive grants often require significant business case development and project analysis to support the application, this may include detailed presentations supporting the project’s merit, projected sales, cost-benefit analysis and more.

As part of your engagement with Avant Group, your account manager will assess the required documents and will provide the following as needed to support your grant submission.

Grant application writeup including a detailed presentation illustrating how the grant funding will contribute to your project, how the funding will contribute to the project’s budget, a project milestone plan, delivery timeline, impact on employment if applicable and a breakdown of the management and leadership team for the project

  •  Industry analysis presentation
  •  Competitor Analysis Presentation
  •  Marketing and Sales Analysis Presentation
  •  3-5 year Cashflow Forecast
  •  3-5 year Balance Sheet Forecast
  •  Cost-Benefit Analysis of Grant Funding
  •  End-to-end grant application including information collating, analysis and application writing
  •  CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) cost-benefit analysis
  •  Stakeholder relations and Risk Mitigation Plans
  •  Any other relevant forecasting that will support your application

How can I get help with my application? Or know if I’m likely to win funding?

Avant Group offers a no-obligation assessment of your eligibility for funding and will assess your likelihood of a successful grant application.
This fund was extremely popular in the last round so talk to an Avant Group Advisor today to assess eligibility and register your interest.