This grant has expired.
This grant has expired and is no longer available. However, please contact Avant Group in case there are alternative grants available or to be informed if this grant will reopen.

Agriculture TAFE and Training Fund
To skill the next generation of Victoria’s farmers, the Government is investing $50 million into a four-year Agricultural College Modernisation Program.
Applications must be for funding of between $40,000 (ex GST) and $2,000,000 (ex GST). This range accounts for the diverse needs across eligible organisations.
Key Requirements
Applicants must:
- Provide a proposal for a project that meets the objectives of the ATTF
- Proposal includes information about how the investment in the project will provide benefits after the project is completed (succession plan).
- Proposal includes detailed budget with robust rationale using the budget template provided. Items (equipment or other products) over $20,000 (GST exclusive) should include either a copy of a quote from suppliers (either informal, e.g. email from supplier or formal, e.g. on letterhead) or a link to the website where the supplier advertises the equipment price. All items listed in the budget should be exclusive of GST.
- Provide signed approval from the organisation’s Chief Financial Officer (or equivalent) regarding the project’s proposed budget.
- Provide at least one statement of support from an agriculture industry organisation such as an industry association or local agricultural business that details how the project will address future industry needs.
- Provide evidence of current status as an eligible organisation (e.g. Skills First, RTO or Learn Local Registration).
- The level of detail in evidence provided in the application should be proportional to the size and complexity of the project (e.g. number of industry groups supporting the application).
- If requested by Agriculture Victoria, provide further evidence in relation to any of the eligibility requirements above.
What is eligible for funding?
Funding is available for equipment, curriculum design, training delivery and other costs for projects that deliver new or revamped agriculture training that meets the Program objectives. Applications can include more than one of the following deliverables:
- Curriculum design and delivery
- instructional design for new courses, subjects and training packages or to significantly update existing training
- subject matter expert costs for the design of new content
- senior educator costs
- teaching staff costs (including on-costs)
- training and assessment resource development
- other delivery costs, such as guest speakers
- costs associated with developing an accredited course where there is an identified gap in the Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management (AHC) Training Package
- travel costs including transport, accommodation and meal allowances for travel associated with delivery (e.g. satellite delivery and workplace visits)
- teacher upskilling required for delivery of training to students (e.g. relevant professional development, specialist knowledge, software, workplace assessors).
- licenses required for delivery of the project such as software, trade license requirements, equipment compliance license or other licenses required to undertake qualification delivery or training.
- Equipment, technology and capital refurbishment
- Training of staff for the new equipment (e.g. relevant professional development, training from product supplier or elsewhere)
- Refurbishment of existing buildings where there is a strong case that it is needed for delivery of the project, for example sound proofing. Capital refurbishment expenditure must not exceed a maximum of 25 per cent of the project costs.
- Costs to enable satellite delivery (such as room hire), freight and delivery, mobile units (e.g. trailers or dedicated vehicles).
- Other costs
- Marketing costs to attract students to the training (design of promotional materials, production, advertising and other distribution costs) to a value no greater than 10 per cent of the total funding request.
- Training of Jobs and Careers Centre staff to increase their capacity to support students tounderstand the links between the training and
careers opportunities in agriculture. - Administrative costs combined with the project management costs must not exceed 20 per cent of the total funding request. A robust rationale and costings must be included in the budget template.
- The cost of reporting and evaluation are considered legitimate project management costs and need to be included in applications
What companies are eligible for funding?
The following organisations are eligible to apply:
- Victorian TAFEs
- Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) holding a current Skills First VET Funding Contract
- RTOs who do not hold a current Skills First VET Funding Contract but have demonstrated experience delivering specialised training in agriculture in Victoria
- Learn Locals
Is this grant competitive or entitlement based?
Entitlement. Applications are assessed against eligibility criteria.
How can I increase my chances of winning this grant?
By engaging an accredited government grants consultant, such as Avant Group.
As part of your engagement with Avant Group, your account manager will assess the required documents and will provide the following as needed to support your grant submission.
Grant application writeup including a detailed presentation illustrating how the grant funding will contribute to your project, how the funding will contribute to the project’s budget, a project milestone plan, delivery timeline, impact on employment if applicable and a breakdown of the management and leadership team for the project
How can I get help with my application? Or know if I’m likely to win funding?
Avant Group offers a no-obligation assessment of your eligibility for funding and will assess your likelihood of a successful grant application.