Complimentary Grant Eligibility Check

This questionnaire helps up asses the kind of grants you’ll be eligible for, as well as the kind of services we’ll be able to deliver for you. Please answer as accurately as you can, and if in doubt, give us a call.

    Are you a Startup?

    [group group-RnD clear_on_hide]

    Have you incurred any Research & Development (R&D) expenses?


    [group group-Capital clear_on_hide]

    Are you planning to either undertake any capital expansion activities, export and/or engage in research & development (R&D) activities?


    [group group-UniqueProd clear_on_hide]

    Have you created a unique product or service ready for commercialisation?


    [group group-Advanced clear_on_hide]

    Are you undertaking a project in advanced manufacturing, food and agribusiness, medical technologies/pharmaceuticals, mining, enabling technologies OR oil/gas/energy resources?


    [group group-NfP clear_on_hide]

    Are you either a not-for-profit or local government entity?


    [group group-YES]

    You may be eligible for government funding.

    For a complimentary assessment, contact our head office by phone or email
    By Email By Phone


    [group group-NO]

    It doesn’t look like your business is eligible for government funding at this time.

    Please sign up to our newsletter and we will be in contact when programs open.
