This grant has expired.
This grant has expired and is no longer available. However, please contact Avant Group in case there are alternative grants available or to be informed if this grant will reopen.

SA Livestock Underpass Scheme (LUPS)
- Applications Open: Available on an ongoing basis until 30 June 2023
- Grants: up to $100,000
The program aims to provide a reimbursement grant to South Australia's primary producers as a financial contribution towards the cost of constructing underpasses beneath public roads to allow livestock to move safely.
Key Requirements
The following requirement include:
- A written quote or a written estimate from an authorised contractor, that holds all necessary approvals to undertake the project works, confirming total project specifications and that the infrastructure meets relevant planning and building guidelines;
- Evidence that your business enterprise either operates a primary production business or as an abattoir or saleyard;
- Evidence of ownership structure (i.e. registered owners, share farmers or lease holders) for the land parcels that will be interconnected for this project, for example, a copy of council rates, and approval from the landowner (if applicable);
- Evidence that all necessary planning and development permits and approvals have been obtained or will be obtained within three months from the date the grant is approved.
- Financial statements for your primary production business or saleyard / abattoir for the past two (2) financial years together with a copy of an interim financial report for the 2021-22 financial year;
- Evidence of sufficient funding to fund your co-contribution toward the project costs e.g. bank statements or a letter from your financier;
What is eligible for funding?
To be eligible the following criteria must meet includes:
- An applicant has the capacity to fund the balance of costs associated with the project works.
- Applicant meets eligibility requirements
- The project works will be undertaken by a suitably qualified independent contractor, acceptable to the relevant public road authority;
- Applicant can demonstrate a need for the underpass to improve farm, saleyard or abattoir efficiency and productivity and / or improve road safety – assessment will consider the number of current and future stock, frequency of stock crossing, time spent crossing stock per week, number of staff required to assist with stock crossing, estimated weekly traffic volume (refer to local council or Department for Infrastructure and Transport), existing road surface, line of sight or visibility issues for motorists, history of accidents or near misses involving livestock / staff / road users;
- All necessary approvals and permits are held or will be held within three months from the date of grant approval;
- A project can start within six (6) months and be completed within 12 months from the date of grant approval;
- Project is eligible – consistent with Section 3 of these guidelines;
What companies are eligible for funding?
Eligible applicants must:
- Hold an Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered for GST.
- Operate as a sole trader, partnership, trust, local government authority or private company.
- Be part of a business enterprise operating a:
- A livestock saleyard
- A primary production business (as defined in the ITAA 1997 (Cth) undertaking livestock production
- A licensed abattoir
- Own, lease or share-farm the property/properties to be linked by the proposed underpass.
- If the applicant is a primary producer, have received more than 50% of their total gross income for the past two years, from primary production business, under normal seasonal circumstances.
Is this grant competitive or entitlement based?
Competitive. Your application will be assessed among other applications by a judging panel.
How can I increase my chances of winning this grant?
By engaging an accredited government grants consultant, such as Avant Group.
Competitive grants often require significant business case development and project analysis to support the application, this may include detailed presentations supporting the project’s merit, projected sales, cost-benefit analysis and more.
As part of your engagement with Avant Group, your account manager will assess the required documents and will provide the following as needed to support your grant submission.
Grant application writeup including a detailed presentation illustrating how the grant funding will contribute to your project, how the funding will contribute to the project’s budget, a project milestone plan, delivery timeline, impact on employment if applicable and a breakdown of the management and leadership team for the project
- Industry analysis presentation
- Competitor Analysis Presentation
- Marketing and Sales Analysis Presentation
- 3-5 year Cashflow Forecast
- 3-5 year Balance Sheet Forecast
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Grant Funding
- End-to-end grant application including information collating, analysis and application writing
- CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) cost-benefit analysis
- Stakeholder relations and Risk Mitigation Plans
- Any other relevant forecasting that will support your application
How can I get help with my application? Or know if I’m likely to win funding?
Avant Group offers a no-obligation assessment of your eligibility for funding and will assess your likelihood of a successful grant application.