This grant has expired.

This grant has expired and is no longer available. However, please contact Avant Group in case there are alternative grants available or to be informed if this grant will reopen.

Greenhouse sustainability

Assess Implement Monitor (AIM) Grants

  • Applications Open: until 20 March, 2023
  • Grants:  up to $15,000

Assess Implement Monitor (AIM) Grants provide businesses in South Australia with a subsidy to organise businesses assessments and apply recommendations to improve their sustainability.

Subsidies are accessible for not-for-profits and businesses to access energy assessments or audits to help them identify, implement, and prioritise business sustainability improvements.

Key Requirements

Key elements of the project:

  • Reason for the project
    • motivating factors
    • key drivers
    • benefits etc.
  • Project scope, methodology, and resourcing (including how service providers will be engaged, whether this is through a selection process or direct engagement).
  • Project deliverables (outcomes and outputs) and anticipated timeframes.
  • Level of contribution from the applicant and GISA (in-kind and financial).

Project proposals must include:

  • Date the proposal was prepared/provided to the client.
  • Project scope, methodology, and milestones.
  • Deliverables (outputs) clearly documented (included as a list, or in bold font).
  • The anticipated timing of delivery
  • Breakdown of project costs by activity and related hours/personnel (refer to FAQs for additional information).
  • Sufficient information indicating the minimum reporting requirements will be met. Simply copying minimum reporting requirements from this guideline is unacceptable – the methodology and proposed report structure should align with minimum reporting requirements.
  • Evidence of relevant knowledge, experience and capability to deliver the project (relevant staff CVs and examples of similar work completed).

What is eligible for funding?

Projects must:

  • Be new, not already completed or commenced at the time of application. Consideration may be given to assessments that build on, or present updated information from a previous assessment.
  • Applicants must review their project with Program staff before applying for funding, and deliver explanation of the reason/need for the project.
  • Take place within South Australia for the benefit of South Australians.
  • Have clear project milestones and timeframe.
  • Be tailored to address the needs of the applicant (not provide generic advice).
  • Focus on holistic solutions, taking into consideration how recommended activities may affect multiple aspects of the applicant’s operations.
  • Compare current practice to a range of alternative activities/technologies/solutions (not focus on a single solution).
  • Focus on activities that are in addition to meeting minimum regulatory compliance.
  • Meet and contribute to the program aim, objectives and outcomes, including clear links to driving a more sustainable and circular economy in South Australia; targeting activities prioritised higher on the waste management hierarchy than current practice; best practice materials and resource efficiency.

What companies are eligible for funding?

Applicants must:

  • Hold a current Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered for GST; not-for-profit organisations must be registered with an appropriate Australian and/or State-based authority as a legal entity.
  • Contribute the appropriate portion of funds to cover all remaining assessment / implementation costs.
  • Be using commercial waste collection services (in addition to, or instead of kerbside services provided by local council).
  • Have been operating under the same (or similar) business model for a minimum of two years in South Australia.
  • Allocate staff to ensure the project is delivered as expected, giving access to data and information required by service providers for effective project delivery.
  • Be solvent, and able to enter into a legally binding funding agreement with the South Australian Government (via Green Industries SA).
  • Hold and maintain Public Liability Insurance to the value of at least $1 million for the duration of the proposed project.2
  • Comply with all federal and state laws, regulations, and any applicable Environment Protection Authority requirements.

Is this grant competitive or entitlement based?

Entitlement. Applications are assessed against eligibility criteria.

How can Avant Group help?

When you’re a business owner, you may not have time to work through the red tape and audits required to apply for government grants.

Avant Group is your partner for grant success! We take all the hassle out of the entire grant application process from working through the red tape, writing the application and managing audit and reporting requirements – so you can focus on running your business.

Success Only Fees

Avant Group works on a Success Only Fee basis.

We also offer:

  • All AusIndustry auditing management included at no additional cost
  • Hands on technical project management covering application writing and administration aspects
  • A highly skilled advisory team with consultants from engineering, marketing and finance disciplines
  • Government accreditation
  • A dedicated account manager who will work with you every step of the way with your grant application

Want to know more? Contact us for an obligation-free assessment of your eligibility.